Quebec Skilled Workers

Skilled workers looking to immigrate to Quebec must apply for Permanent Residency under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. Quebec Immigration will invite those who are deemed most likely to become economically established upon their arrival, to apply for Permanent Resident status.
An applicant who is successful under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program will receive his or her Certificat De Selection du Quebec (CSQ) along with his or her Canadian Permanent Resident Visa.

Skilled Worker Evaluations Vary

For the Skilled Worker programs, applications are ranked and scored based on several criteria including for example education, work experience and language ability.
However, applicants under the Quebec Skilled Workers program are required to meet a different set of criteria than those applying under the Federal Skilled Worker program. Therefore, some applicants may be more suited for one program over the other.

Is the Skilled Worker Program for You?

For more information on whether you are eligible for the Quebec Skilled Worker Program, please call the Canada Immigration Team law firm today, and receive a free assessment!

Contact Canada Immigration Team

We can find the program that’s best for you,
and help you immigrate to Canada.