Canada and Quebec Skilled Worker Immigration

Immigration Canada recognizes the importance and need for foreign skilled workers, tradespersons, and professionals to help bolster Canada’s workforce.
Foreigners who are skilled in a specific area, trade or profession, can make a significant contribution to Canada’s growing economy. Canada provides foreign skilled workers with many options and programs to enter Canada permanently.

Canada Skilled Worker Program

A skilled worker may submit an application under Canada’s Federal Skilled Worker Class. All applicants must have work experience pertaining to their specific skill-set, and plan to live anywhere in Canada other than Quebec.

Provincial Skilled Worker Program

Potential immigrants may also apply to the Quebec Skilled Worker program if they wish to settle in Quebec exclusively. Other provinces have special needs and applicants may also inquire about the requirements to enter any specific Canadian province as a skilled worker under its Provincial Nominee Program.

Applicants that are accepted under any of the skilled worker programs, will receive a Canadian Immigration (Permanent Resident) Visa, and will be allowed to immigrate to Canada along with their families.

While there are many ways to qualify for this program, often the quickest way to have your application processed is to receive a job offer from a Canadian employer. For further advice or information regarding the skilled worker programs in Canada, please call the Canada Immigration Team law firm today, and receive a free assessment of your situation!

Contact Canada Immigration Team

We can find the program that’s best for you,
and help you immigrate to Canada.